

This project examines the role played by the different publishing ventures that emerged in Galicia during the Franco dictatorship, assessing their importance in relation to the revival and re-evaluation of Galician culture in this period.

A detailed collection has been made of all the data relating to book publications in Galicia during the period 1939-1975: publisher, place of publication, fields (title, author, genre, etc.) Using these data, the different publishing projects have been classified and analysed according to the individual characteristics of each (publisher, printer, editorial line, specific features, print run, links with other projects, etc.), paying attention also to the principal figures involved and the ideological debates among them (biographies, collected letters, interviews, etc.)

Our main goal is to create awareness through the project website of the work of these publishers and facilitate access to the results and resources of our own research. One of the most important of these is the online database of Galician-language publications produced in Galicia during the period 1939-1975, which will shortly be expanded to include data relating to work published in Spanish from the same period.

'Publishing in Galicia during the Franco Era (1939-1975)’ is just one of the projects overseen by the ILLA literary and linguistic research group at the University of A Coruña (UDC). The project is headed by Carme Fernández Pérez-Sanjulián as Lead Researcher.

The present study builds on the work of two complementary research projects: ‘Publishing in Galicia during the Franco Era (1939-1975)’ (grant number: FFI2010-16924) and ‘Production and Market Forces in Publishing in Galicia during the Franco Era (1939-1975), and its Impact on the Galician Publishing Industry Today’ (grant number: 10SEC104017PR).